Hi, everyone. This isn't a book review, but rather a notice that I wanted to tell you guys of. You can find this on any other day at the bottom of my blog, if you scroll all the way to the bottom, where my followers and favorite pages are. This is the message:
Hey guys, I have had a problem on my blog that I need to warn you of. I just wanted to let you guys know that all of your comments may not appear immediately, as they will be awaiting moderation by me. If you want your comment published, the best thing to do would be to put your name on the comment so I know who you are. I have had some comments coming up with unknown users. I discovered that some were by people that I know, but others were by completely unknown people. Going forward, please put your name on the comments, otherwise, they do have a high chance of being marked as spam or deleted. Thank you, keep reading, and keep drawing!
You may not think this is serious, but for me, it can actually sometimes be kind of scary, as I have no idea who is commenting and messaging me, whether it is someone trying to advertise or just another person that I know. From now on, I ask you to please put your names on your comments. Thank you!
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